Air Conditioner ways to improve efficiency - BRS Mechanical


10 Simple Ways to Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency

Fri Jul 29

Your Air Conditioner plays a pivotal role in keeping your home comfortable. Not only does it keep you cool in the summer, but it also helps keep your home warm in the winter. As such, it’s important to make sure that your AC installation is done right. Here are 10 simple ways to improve air conditioner efficiency:

10 Ways To Improve Air Conditioner Efficiency

1. Have your AC installation done by a qualified professional. Using a pro ensures that your ac is installed properly and is optimized for maximum efficiency.

2. Make sure your filters are clean. A dirty filter will impede airflow and reduce efficiency. Change the air filter at least once per month and always before a seasonal maintenance visit. A clogged, dirty filter reduces airflow resulting in an AC that doesn’t cool as well or runs as efficiently. A clogged filter can cause reduced airflow by 50 percent or more.

3. Keep your unit free of obstructions. Make sure there’s plenty of space around the AC so that air can circulate freely.

4. Keep the vents clear. Make sure there are no obstacles blocking the AC vents, as this will impede airflow and reduce efficiency.

5. Use a programmable thermostat. A programmable thermostat can help you save energy by allowing you to set different temperatures for different times of the day.

6. Don’t over-cool your home. Setting your thermostat to a lower temperature than necessary will only result in unnecessarily high energy bills.

7. Make sure your unit is properly sized for your home during ac installation. A unit that’s too large or too small will not operate as efficiently as one that’s properly sized.

8. Clean AC coils. A buildup of dirt and grime on coils can cause it to overheat, decreasing AC efficiency.

9. Install a whole-house fan if you don’t already have one. Whole-house fans bring in cool air at night when the AC is not needed and exhaust hot air during the day.

10. Have your AC serviced regularly. A yearly maintenance visit will help keep it running efficiently and can help extend its lifespan. Only 42 percent of homeowners hire a professional to maintain their air conditioner on a regular basis. According to Warner Service, seasoned air conditioners last 40% longer if they go through HVAC maintenance on a regular basis!

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your AC is running as efficiently as possible, saving you money on energy bills in the process. For more tips on AC installation, don’t hesitate to contact a professional for a consultation.

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